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A fully-featured alternative to table(). Results are data.frames and can be formatted and enhanced with janitor's family of adorn_ functions.

Specify a data.frame and the one, two, or three unquoted column names you want to tabulate. Three variables generates a list of 2-way tabyls, split by the third variable.

Alternatively, you can tabulate a single variable that isn't in a data.frame by calling tabyl() on a vector, e.g., tabyl(mtcars$gear).


tabyl(dat, ...)

# S3 method for default
tabyl(dat, show_na = TRUE, show_missing_levels = TRUE, ...)

# S3 method for data.frame
tabyl(dat, var1, var2, var3, show_na = TRUE, show_missing_levels = TRUE, ...)



A data.frame containing the variables you wish to count. Or, a vector you want to tabulate.


Additional arguments passed to methods.


Should counts of NA values be displayed? In a one-way tabyl, the presence of NA values triggers an additional column showing valid percentages (calculated excluding NA values).


Should counts of missing levels of factors be displayed? These will be rows and/or columns of zeroes. Useful for keeping consistent output dimensions even when certain factor levels may not be present in the data.


The column name of the first variable.


(optional) the column name of the second variable (the rows in a 2-way tabulation).


(optional) the column name of the third variable (the list in a 3-way tabulation).


A data.frame with frequencies and percentages of the tabulated variable(s). A 3-way tabulation returns a list of data frames.


tabyl(mtcars, cyl)
#>  cyl  n percent
#>    4 11 0.34375
#>    6  7 0.21875
#>    8 14 0.43750
tabyl(mtcars, cyl, gear)
#>  cyl  3 4 5
#>    4  1 8 2
#>    6  2 4 1
#>    8 12 0 2
tabyl(mtcars, cyl, gear, am)
#> $`0`
#>  cyl  3 4 5
#>    4  1 2 0
#>    6  2 2 0
#>    8 12 0 0
#> $`1`
#>  cyl 3 4 5
#>    4 0 6 2
#>    6 0 2 1
#>    8 0 0 2

# or using the %>% pipe
mtcars %>%
  tabyl(cyl, gear)
#>  cyl  3 4 5
#>    4  1 8 2
#>    6  2 4 1
#>    8 12 0 2

# illustrating show_na functionality:
my_cars <- rbind(mtcars, rep(NA, 11))
my_cars %>% tabyl(cyl)
#>  cyl  n    percent valid_percent
#>    4 11 0.33333333       0.34375
#>    6  7 0.21212121       0.21875
#>    8 14 0.42424242       0.43750
#>   NA  1 0.03030303            NA
my_cars %>% tabyl(cyl, show_na = FALSE)
#>  cyl  n percent
#>    4 11 0.34375
#>    6  7 0.21875
#>    8 14 0.43750

# Calling on a single vector not in a data.frame:
val <- c("hi", "med", "med", "lo")
#>  val n percent
#>   hi 1    0.25
#>   lo 1    0.25
#>  med 2    0.50